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About Coach Chez

Chesley Maldonado (aka Coach Chez) is a homeschooling mother of two, a certified teacher/tutor turned life coach, author, podcaster and Jesus follower.

Hi! I’m Coach Chez, Biblical Mindset Strategist.  I help busy Christian women crush their to do lists and walk in purpose.


I'm a happy wife of 17 years, and a mother of an almost 11 year old and almost 6 year old.


I call myself a teacher/tutor turned life coach because I have a 10 year background in education. In college, I was at a Christian retreat and a powerful thing happened. The speaker pointed me out and said, "I don't know your name, but the Lord told me that you are a teacher. You have been given the gift of making complex things simple." At the time, I thought that my choice of major was being confirmed, but years later I realized that it was God's word, not Shakespeare and essay writing that I am called to teach.


Despite this very obvious confirmation of my gift, it took me years to even enter the classroom. I wrestled with self-doubt, anxiety and imposter syndrome. I tried being a freelance writer, and it just made me miserable. It took an argument with my husband for me to realize that I needed to just be brave and do what God has called me to do. So I did. It didn't happen overnight, but I found my confidence in Christ. This is why I am so passionate about helping other Christian women step into their purpose and overcome toxic thinking.


It wasn't until my mother passed away that I became certified as a life coach. I struggled again with self-doubt and anxiety over this tug on my heart to step out in faith. I was also overwhelmed with having to restructure my life and carry the grief of losing my mom, whom I used to talk to almost everyday. When God met me in this season, He lead me to write and publish my first book, "I'm a Turtle: Biblical Wisdom from the Hare and the Tortoise." I got such a great response from it that I finally got the courage to complete my certification. 


I got certified as a life coach so that I can help other Christian women fine tune their callings and overcome the mental obstacles that I used to struggle with, like self-doubt, anxiety, overwhelm and procrastination. I address these and other issues from a Biblical perspective, applying scripture using proven psychological tools. My community, Jesus Women: Chosen, Brave and Crushing it, is where I invite my sisters in Christ to learn and grow with me in purpose, confidence and productivity all rooted in the Word of God.


If you are a Christian woman and you could use more clarity in your purpose, more confidence to obey God, and a strategy to move forward with your goals let's connect! You can join Jesus Women for free to get the posts and updates, or join as an official member for access to the community chat, training and coaching from me, and exclusive content. I hope to see you there!


Remember, women of God, you are chosen, so be brave, and go crush it!


© 2023 Coach Chez. All rights reserved.

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