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Hi! I'm Coach Chez!

I help busy Christian women crush their to do lists and walk in purpose.

Are you a Jesus Woman?

Connect with me! Sign up with me on Patreon and grow in purpose, confidence and productivity. You are chosen, so be brave and go crush it!

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When my mother died of cancer four years ago, I was feeling lost and overwhelmed. As I stared at a pile yet another of laundry, God spoke to me. He said the words “slow and steady.” It made me think of the old Aesop’s Fable the Hare and the Tortoise, so I looked it up and I dived in. I saw so many parallels between the Christian walk and the story. From there I ended up publishing an entire book about what I discovered. My book, I’m a Turtle: Biblical Wisdom from the Hare and the Tortoise shares the insights I gathered on this journey of slowing down and refocusing my life.

© 2023 Coach Chez. All rights reserved.

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